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How can I increase my internet speed while using business VPN?

  • 27 Jan 2024
  • 7 min read

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Enhance your business VPN service with our comprehensive guide. Discover strategies such as selecting the best business VPNs with high-speed servers and suitable VPN protocols for a swift, secure connection for your company, small business, or remote employees.


The success of business operations often rests heavily on high-speed internet connectivity. However, concerns frequently arise regarding whether the use of a VPN, essential for secure business data, could hamper connection speed due to the data encryption process and its path via VPN servers. This is especially crucial for businesses where efficient performance and productivity are closely linked to fast Internet connections. Fortunately, strategies are available that can not only maintain but potentially amplify your internet speed while leveraging a VPN for business. In this article, we'll delve into tactics such as opting for a VPN provider with high-speed servers, using a VPN server close to your location, selecting a suitable VPN protocol, and optimizing your device for high-speed connections. Remember, the best business VPN for secure and swift connectivity is one that, when aptly set up, ensures data protection without undermining a smooth and rapid internet experience. Therefore, let's decode these strategies, dispel apprehensions, and equip your business or individual venture with an effective VPN solution that can protect your business from cyberattacks.

Why Does Using the Best Business VPNs Impact Internet Speeds?

Yes, it's true that implementing a VPN can at times hinder your internet speed. Here's the reasoning: The best VPNs for business provide added security, channeling your data via remote servers that often create a more convoluted journey compared to your standard internet route. Additionally, encryption, a crucial feature of any good VPN option, has a tendency to consume a bit of your bandwidth. Further, an overcrowded VPN server could result in a slower speed. However, it's not all about sluggish pace; in fact, some of the best business VPNs of 2023 can actually boost your speed by sidestepping ISP throttling, paving the way for a smooth and speedy online journey. So, even if you're looking for the best VPN for a small enterprise, there are options out there that offer a fine balance between security and speed.

Is Your Small Business VPN Slowing Down Your Internet?

The influence a VPN has on your internet speed can fluctuate significantly and hinges on multiple factors such as the excellence of the VPN for small businesses, the server's geographical location, and the extent of encryption implemented. While connecting to the VPN, some users may notice a modest decrease in speed, around 10% to 20%, whereas others might encounter a dip by half or even more. However, with the best business VPN services and ideal settings, this slowdown can often be reduced to a negligible degree. Even with site-to-site VPNs or a cloud VPN, which are amongst the best consumer and dedicated business VPN options, it's possible to optimize VPN speed, assuring minimal impact on your internet connection.

Why does VPN slow down internet speed?

One of the principal factors causing a reduction in internet speeds when using a VPN is the encryption and decryption mechanism it deploys to safeguard your business data. A study featured in the Proceedings of the 2016 Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT) Conference revealed that encryption could swell the size of data packets by an impressive 10-15%. This expansion not only necessitates more processing time but also leads to an inevitable slowdown in speeds.

The geographical distance between you and your VPN server also plays a significant role. A report by network intelligence firm, ThousandEyes, demonstrated that VPN users who established connections to servers located more than 500 miles (about 800 kilometers) away witnessed latency increases of up to 300%. Hence, the greater the distance to the VPN server, the higher the latency and the slower the resultant connection speed. This reality applies to all VPNs, including remote access VPNs, and affects both VPN for individuals and sole proprietors and small to medium-sized businesses alike.

The capacity and load of the VPN server are other influential factors. Servers that are operating at over 70% of their capacity could significantly diminish your internet speed. Therefore, for users and businesses, the decision becomes a careful balancing act between maintaining robust VPN security and minimizing potential speed reductions when selecting the right VPN from a myriad of available options today, including dedicated business VPNs. A well-chosen VPN can protect your business effectively, providing secure connections for both remote access and in-house usage.

How to Increase Your Internet Speed While Employing the Best VPN for Business

  1. Choose a different VPN server

    The location of your VPN server can play a substantial role in determining your internet speed. The rule of thumb is - the closer the server, the faster your speed. Consequently, consider opting for a server that's proximate to your physical location or choose a less crowded server. This simple strategy often forms part of what makes the best business VPN and is a key factor when looking for the best VPNs for small businesses. It's these subtle yet crucial considerations that differentiate the best VPN for small businesses from the rest.

  2. Change your VPN protocols

    VPN protocols are a crucial factor in finding the right balance between speed and security when you use a business VPN. For instance, the OpenVPN protocol, while offering top-notch security, could potentially decrease your connection speed. Conversely, protocols such as IKEv2 or WireGuard are tailored to provide quicker connections. Therefore, understanding and selecting the right VPN protocols is a key step when setting up a VPN for your business.

  3. Enable Split Tunneling

    Split tunneling, a feature in many business VPN solutions, can enhance speed by directing only certain traffic through the VPN tunnel, thereby lessening the VPN's load. It provides corporations, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, the flexibility to choose which apps or services require the secure passage of a VPN and which can operate without. This not only optimizes VPN traffic but can also distinguish between business and personal VPN use, adding a layer of efficiency and security to your internet experience.

  4. Opt for a different VPN provider

    Recognize that the landscape of business VPNs on the market is diverse. Not all VPNs are built alike, with some boasting superior infrastructure that contributes to faster speeds. If you've exhausted all other avenues and still grapple with slow speeds, it might be time to reconsider your provider. Opting for one of the best VPNs designed to protect your business could be a transformative step toward enhanced performance and security.

  5. Change from a wireless connection to a wired connection

    Using a VPN over Wi-Fi can sometimes be unreliable and slower when compared to wired connections. Should you be experiencing sluggish speeds with your VPN, consider making the switch from Wi-Fi to a wired connection - this could potentially enhance your internet performance. Remember, all your traffic goes through the VPN, so the steadier the connection, the better. After all, opting for one of the best VPN solutions requires a sturdy and reliable internet link to harness its full potential.

  6. Close unnecessary background apps

    Background applications often utilize a substantial amount of bandwidth, inadvertently putting the brakes on your VPN speed. Ensuring these apps are closed can liberate much-needed bandwidth, subsequently accelerating your internet performance. So, to make sure your VPN creates an encrypted, high-speed connection, it's essential to manage these bandwidth-consuming background apps. This advice is particularly crucial for teams and business plans, where optimal VPN performance can greatly enhance productivity and security.

  7. Temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall

    Certain settings in your antivirus or firewall could impede the pace of your VPN connections. As a step in troubleshooting, you could temporarily switch off these settings to see if your speed accelerates. However, it's crucial to reactivate them afterward to ensure your device remains secure. This strategy is particularly helpful when using a VPN for work or when you are an individual or sole proprietor seeking a speedy VPN offering. Always balance security with speed to get the most out of your VPN service.

  8. Reboot your device

    Simple but often effective, rebooting your device can help to clear any issues that might be slowing down your connection. It also gives your device a fresh start.

  9. Double-check your internet connection

    Before blaming the VPN, check your internet connection's speed without the VPN active. If your internet is slow without the VPN, the issue might be with your ISP.

7 ways to improve your VPN speeds

Connect to a Server Closer to Your Physical Location

The physical separation between you and your VPN server can play a significant role in determining your VPN speed. A server located far away means data has to traverse a greater distance, which could reduce your internet speed. Opting for a server nearer to you can significantly enhance the speed of your VPN. In the realm of corporate VPN usage, finding the best business VPN of 2023 that allows you to select nearby servers is essential for secure and efficient business use.

Connect to a Server That Isn't Overloaded

The more users are connected to a VPN server, the slower it can become. Many VPN providers will show you the load on each server, allowing you to select one that's less congested and can provide better speeds.

Try Connecting Via a Different VPN Protocol

The choice of protocol can significantly impact your VPN's efficiency. Certain protocols, while providing superior security, might impact your connection speed due to their intensive processing requirements. On the other hand, alternative protocols could potentially deliver faster speeds, effectively enhancing your overall VPN performance.

Enable Split Tunneling If Available

Split tunneling allows you to choose which data goes through your VPN and which doesn't. By only routing necessary data through the VPN, you can reduce the load on your VPN connection and increase its speed.

Use a Wired Connection

Wi-Fi connections can be slower and more unstable than wired connections. If possible, use a wired Ethernet connection while using a VPN for a more reliable and potentially faster connection.

Close Unnecessary Apps Running in the Background

Background apps can consume a significant portion of your bandwidth, slowing down your VPN connection. By closing any unnecessary applications, you can free up bandwidth and possibly increase your VPN speed.

Restart Your Router and Other Devices

When was the last time you restarted your devices? just like anything else, restarting your router or device can solve a multitude of issues. If your VPN speed is slow, consider restarting these devices to clear any potential issues and give your connection a fresh start.

How Much Speed Does Your Team Need with the Best Business VPN of 2023?

The internet speed required for your team's work hinges significantly on the specific online tasks being performed. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), standard web browsing activities are usually well-served with speeds within the 1-5 Mbps bracket. On the other hand, HD streaming, as per recommendations from platforms like Netflix, demands higher speeds, typically around 5-8 Mbps, to guarantee a seamless, buffer-free experience.

For teams involved in tasks like 4K streaming or online gaming, activities known for their heavy bandwidth consumption, the requirements for internet speed are even more elevated. As per the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), conveyed through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's BroadbandUSA initiative, users should aim for no less than 25 Mbps for such high-demand activities.

However, bear in mind that these figures are based on per-device usage. Consequently, if multiple devices from your team are connected simultaneously - a regular occurrence in most business settings - your bandwidth needs will increase proportionately. An Internet & Television Association report underscores the fact that concurrent device usage can drastically ramp up network bandwidth needs. Thus, factoring in additional capacity becomes a crucial consideration while choosing the best consumer or dedicated business VPN in 2023.

Get a Better PureDome VPN Service for a Fast Connection

PureDome is a VPN service provider that ensures secure, reliable, and quick connections. They offer static dedicated IPs, secure protocols, and intuitive apps. By using PureDome, you can increase your network security without sacrificing speed.
